Helix Search ~ Searching Algorithm

Rishub Kumar
1 min readApr 21, 2022

In helix search algorithm, I designed it in such a way that it uses O(n) time complexity, the concept of this algorithm is simple from the name its clear that it uses helix like structure (eg. DNA). So it start searching in a single loop with two index points one on 0 and the other from 1 and jump the the next index leaving one index in the between.

The code of this algorithm can be implemented in variety of languages, but i have choosed C++ to implement it, below is the code of my implementation.

I have provided two code one is just function for a quick insert in your program and one is the example program which you can run and check the algorithm with your test cases.

[images coming soon]

C++ implementation of Helix Search

Helix Search Function

An example program



Rishub Kumar

Computer science student, developer. I write my white papers(research) work and about coding stuff here.